Monday, July 6, 2009

More info

Hello Prospective Parents:

There are many questions about care for your child and certainly if I do not cover them in this email I would be happy to in the form of email, phone conversation, or in person.

4933 NE Garfield Ave. Portland OR, 97211 (near the corner of MLK and Alberta)

Cost per month:
Min 2 days: $400
3 days: $550
4 days: $700
5 days: $850

Families with more than one child will receive a discount of 15% on additional child's tuition.

The tuition for your child will be due on the 15th of each month for the prior month. Upon enrollment there is a $50 non-refundable enrollment fee. Upon termination, we do not refund any prepaid tuition. Any payment received after the
20th is considered late and will be charged an additional fee of $25.00 per day. If payment has not been made by the 25th a notice of default will be given and the child may lose his/her spot.

There is a $30.00 fee for bounced checks.

7:30AM to 5:30PM
Monday thru Friday

We offer a balanced menu of wholesome mostly organic foods. Our children are given opportunities to participate in outside activities each day, rain or shine. These activities include playing in the backyard, going to the park (when possible) gardening, and going on nature walks. We also hope to go on a few adventure/field trips.

Rules to live by:
1. Be safe
2. Respect others
3. Respect yourself
4. Have fun.

As most of us encounter conflict in all aspects of our lives we teach our children how to resolve their own conflicts as they arise. Due to the individual needs of our children we encourage this in many ways. Here are some examples: drinking water, communication, taking breaks. I have been very intrigued by different trains of thought concerning, "discipline." I have read many books on parenting and one that sticks with me is Alfie Kohn's book, Unconditional Parenting, which is based on setting limits, without threats, rewards, or punishment. Life is a balance and setting good limits and re- direction is very important. I do not give time outs and I will not remove someone from a setting unless they are a danger to themselves or others.

Communication that includes using "your words" is key to express needs and wants and how we feel.

In a commitment to provide a safe environment for all children, if there is a situation or behavior that cannot be handled with redirection, communication, and the child is a threat to themselves or others there may be a possibility of discontinuation of care.

Please note: As a general rule, toys from home are not allowed.
I am also a firm believer in teaching based on the interests and needs of our children. Our children are encouraged to pursue their personal interests in creating projects and activities. They are encouraged to explore the answers to their questions through research, experimentation and exploration.

It is my goal to have a good open communication with the parents regarding your children. Please always feel free to email me or call me. If interested, we can set up time for parent meetings, parent visits, and or potlucks with all the families.
DAILY ROUTINE (*work in progress, subject to change*)

A daily schedule helps children learn the order of their day. Children learn to depend on certain daily routines. Please keep in mind that this schedule was developed to accommodate various age groups. Some children have their own internal clocks, infants need to be changed and fed on demand, toddlers and preschoolers have different needs including routine. Timing for each child, depending on their developmental stage may vary the actual routine for the day

7:30am: Arrival Time/Free Play
Children arrive at varied times. My own children are getting ready for school or the day. Children can choose an activity until it is time to clean up for breakfast/snack.

9am: Morning Snack
Children have snack together

9:30am: Morning Activity Time or nap time for younger friends
Toddlers and preschooler children select an activity of their choice or join in a group activity such as finger painting, clay sculpting, and art focus. As babies nap/wake, they are changed to join us in group activity (sensorial exploration, large motor development, story book reading, fine motor stimulation, and interactive songs) Children help clean up after play time.

10:30am: Outdoor Play (on Fridays we have Travel Tots)
Get ready to go outside: use the toilet, wash hands, change diapers and so on. Outdoor play and/or walks.

11:30am: Story Time, Poetry & Rhymes
Wash hands, read a book while we get ready for lunch

11:45am: Lunch
Family Style lunch and conversation. After lunch, children help put food away, wipe off table and sweep floor. Hands are washed and diapers are changed.

12:30pm: Nap/Quiet Time
Everyone (except a baby who might have just woken up) has rest period. Preschool children, who cannot sleep, rest quietly on their mats looking at a book. It is reasonable to expect children to rest or play quietly in bed for 45 minutes before they are allowed to get up and begin a quiet activity. As children wake up, hands are washed and diapers are changed. Mats are put away.

2:45pm: Snack
Children have snack together.

3:15pm: Music & Movement
Group singing time (non-disruptive play for those who wish not to participate); quiet group activity

4pm: Afternoon Activity Time
Active indoor or outdoor play for all children.

4:15pm-4:45pm: Departure
Children go home at varied times. Projects are assembled, diapers are changed, parent info is collected and all personal belongings are gathered. Children can color, look at books, play table games or play outside until their parents arrive.

5:30pm: Latest Pick up


State law requires all children to be fully immunized who are attending child care centers; unless their parents are members of a religion whose belief prevents immunizations. Upon enrollment, each parent must complete and sign a State of Oregon Immunization Form.

We intend to promote and extend the protection of healthy children, preventing illness whenever possible, as well as to provide the most appropriate environment and care for the well being of the child who becomes ill. We exclude ill children from the center:

1. When the presence of the child poses a risk of the spread of infection to the other children
2. When the ill child requires more attention and care than is available by the regularly scheduled staff.

Illness policy:
In compliance with the Rules for the State of Oregon, we shall not admit or retain in care a child who has one of the following symptoms, or combination of symptoms, or illness:
 Fever over 101 degrees F taken under the arm.
 Diarrhea (more than one abnormally loose, runny, watery or bloody stool).
 Vomiting.
 Nausea.
 Severe cough.
 Unusual yellow color to skin or eyes.
 Skin or eye lesions or rashes that are severe, weeping, or pus-filled.
 Stiff neck and headache with one or more of the symptoms listed above.
 Difficulty breathing or abnormal wheezing.
 Complaints of severe pain.

A child who shows signs of illness, as defined in this rule, shall be isolated and the parent will be notified and asked to remove the child from care as soon as possible. A child must be symptom free for 24 hours without the aid of pain or fever reducers prior to re-admittance for care.

September 7, 2009
November 11, 2009
November 26, 27, 2009
December 24, 2009 thru January 1, 2010
All 2010 closures will be posted by October 1, 2009

Termination of care:
Parents may terminate their child's enrollment at any time, provided they give 30 days written notice in advance of the termination day.

Pick up:
Please pick up your child on time; we will close our doors at 5:30pm.
In the event that you are unable to pick up your child for extenuating circumstances, we understand that this happens. Please note that parents that are habitually late (in excess of 3 times) inconvenience our family and may lead to Termination of care. Consequently, a $10.00 fee per every 1-10 minutes will be assessed for late pick-up. Reaching a third late fee within one year may result in the termination of service. In addition, there are no refunds due to illness, closures, and vacations, closures due to inclement weather or power outages, holidays or staff illness.