Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hats are a hit!

I love hats! I really love hats on all the heads of the Tiny Wishes gang! How-deeeee!

We have been trying out some new games. We lined up some cups and animals in the hallway and went bowling with the basket of balls. We've acted out the going on a bear hunt story, and of course we love to shop with the shopping cart and investigate what we've purchased later.

We have a couple of friends that are expecting new siblings in 2010. (CONGRATULATIONS!!!)

One of these friends today would not let go of a baby doll that we have. Indeed, he even took the baby to the diaper changing station informing me that the baby was ready for a new diaper. Ahhhh..... a sweet and smart big brother (to be).

Monday, December 14, 2009

It sure has been cold...

It sure has been cold since my last posting. We've been trying to keep ourselves busy with lots of activities since we aren't going outside to change the scenery. We have developed a new fun game involving the colored circle rugs. It involves trying to learn colors, jump with both feet and run, stop and go real slow.

We go on bear hunts and choose animals from the zoo to go on all together different kind of hunts with monkeys, alligators, snakes, and tigers.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Learning colors and climbing in baskets

Taking everything out of a basket is not an all together new trick. Putting everything back in the basket can take a little more time and patience. However, climbing into the basket and sometimes putting the basket on our own heads is a newer revelation.

The next best thing is climbing things. This is a little bit tricky. All the friends would love to just get up on the table and have our daily dance party on top of it. Of course, we have our dance party in the carpeted room because things can get a little crazy. However, all of the friends that have been showing their climbing skills in one way or another. The couch is a favorite, the toy box, train table and the favorite of most, the meal and craft table. They are reminded that it is not safe and asked to get down. Ah, sweet repetition.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Potluck fantastico!

Potluck YUM!

The all family potluck was a grand success!
Thank you all for coming and thank you all for being a part of Tiny Wishes. It was fun to see all the friends interact. Some of them rarely, if ever, see each other because of the days of care that they are signed up for.

All the parents brought wonderful food to share and the smiles were wide.