Friday, October 29, 2010

Do you realize?

Does anyone know how attached I get to all the friends at Tiny Wishes. I'm not sure that you do. Every friend, every child, every person is unique and different. I have gotten to know your child, I've seen them grow and change and learn.

One of our dear friends is leaving us today and I'm sad. She is such a sweet and spunky girl. She is smart and silly. She is proud and earnest. I am happy to say that she will prosper anywhere.

We'll miss you and we know that we will see you around.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Tiny Wishes is changing a little.

As of 1/1/11

Tiny Wishes will only be open Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Our hours will also change a little opening at 8am (instead of 7:30am) until 5:30pm.

Due to this change some of our friends have already found new schools or situations. We are sad to see them go and have loved having them here, no matter how long. We have another friend that this will be her last month and we will be very sad to see her go as well. I hope that all these friends will come back to visit, we've all become a little family at Tiny Wishes, there is a lot of love here!

I did it!

Well, this post is a little bit about me. I did it. The Portland Marathon that is. I finished, not with a good time or anything, much slower than I ever thought I would run. My lower back and knees decided that they were going to give me "a hard time" shortly after the half marathon mark. Up until then I was doing pretty well, maintaing a good pace. Oh well, I finished.

I'd like to express a special thanks to my family and also the families that live by University Park. At mile marker 20.5 my family joined some other families that live there. It was amazing to see their faces and so very necessary at that point in the race. I felt rigid and freezing. My wife gave me her coat and ran with me for about a 1/4 mile.....thank you.

I'm not sure if I'll do it again, we'll see.