Thursday, June 10, 2010


We got seriously soaked today. We all went outside (as we do everyday) and there was a huge puddle that had developed. This became a very WET and very entertaining puddle. Every friend got soaked and every friend laughed heartily. When it was time to go in only one friend wanted to go. Everyone else wanted to stay outside and play in the puddle. Needless to say, all shoes, socks, pants, shirts, and coats are drenched. I tried my best to soak up some of the water from the shoes and wrung out some of the water from the coats, but alas. If you are a parent picking up your child today, be forewarned.....EVERYTHING IS VERY WET!

I did take some pictures with my nice camera and when i purchase a new do-hickey for it I will post the pics.

Hopefully, when I do post the pictures, the rain will be a distant memory and the sun will be shining:)

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